H. W. "Bill" Hargiss
Football 1914
Football 1915
Football 1916-1917
Letter to F Welch
Track 1915
Baseball 1917
Basketball 1917-18
Playing Fields

Kansas State Normal Basketball, 1917-18KSN basketball 1917


In picture: Hargiss (Meade), Cutler, Rohm, Kaiser, Hargiss (Coach), Cross, McAdams, Van Petten, Welch

..."I enjoyed playing on the State Championship Basketball Team of 1917 which won eleven of twelve conference games. We lost a close game of 33 to 29 to the Kansas Aggies who were the Missouri Valley Champions in 1917.  On our team Captain Harold Cutler was All State Forward, Guy Cross was All State Center, and Karl Kaiser was All State Guard."

Harry Van Petten in 1970


H W hargiss ca. 1917

KSN basketball 1918










     Normal athletic stock has been steadily on the rise since Coach Hargiss came, three years ago, and there are no indications of a slump ahead.
     Coach always keeps the coffers full of raw material, from which comes the polished machines that appear on field and court; machines that have been coached to win if they can—if not, lose like true sportsmen.

Homer Woodson Hargiss
Athletic Coach