H. W. "Bill" Hargiss
Jack Reeves
Football 1920
Sports 1921
Sunflower 1921
Don Davis
Football 1921-25
Football 1926-27
Native of KS
ESU's 100 years
Teachers beat preachers
The Hargiss All-Stars


Death struck the Normal football team again in 1921. Don Davis, an outstanding backfield performer, died near the end of the season that year. His death was not the direct result of a football injury, but a blow he received in the Baker game did complicate an ear malady Davis had. The Sunflower of 1922 comments on Davis' death quite dramatically: "Due to the death of Don Davis, the Normal's all-state halfback, who answered his last signal November 21, 1921, the Normal squad was saddened to the greatest extent. Don had been affected by ear trouble for about a week before the Baker game at which time he received a badly sprained and bruised shoulder. The illness became worse, the poison settling in his shoulder, causing his death on November 21. His death came as a shock and surprise to the team and the entire school of which Don was a part.

"In honor of one of K.S.N.'s greatest and most admired players, the Thanksgiving game was cancelled."

A Memoriam from the 1922 Sunflower

Adored Athlete and Loved Friend, who died in St. Mary's Hospital, November 21, of a toxic condition resulting indirectly from an injury received in the annual football game with Baker University.
This brave but gentle boy, who had not yet reached his prime either as a student or athlete, was taken all too suddenly from our midst..
Life is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities, but Don's vale is widened through our lives.
For while he left us grieved for having lost him in the happiest, sunniest hour of life, he also left us richer for having known him, and inspired to be, as he was, worthy to be loved.

THE EMPORIA GAZETTE- November 17, 1921

The Normal may be without the services of Don Davis when it enters the game with the College, Thanksgiving Day. Davis has a lame shoulder which seems capable of holding him out of the game. He can dress himself and has the arm in a plaster cast. The shoulder was injured in the Baker game. Two X-ray pictures were taken of the area last night, but no break was found. Davis is also suffering with a badly infected ear.

THE EMPORIA GAZETTE - November 23, 1921 (Wednesday)

Memorial services were held for Donald Davis, Normal football player who died Monday, at 10:00 this morning in Albert Taylor Hall. Rev. J. H. J. Rice, H. W. Hargiss, A. A. Schabinger and Franklin Dillon made short talks. 'A man does not need to live 70 years to do his life work,' Mr. Rice said. 'Don Davis's life and influence will grip our lives as forcibly as if he had lived' out his.allotted three score and ten years.'
Coaches Hargiss and Schabinger paid tribute to Davis, whom they had known on the football field and in the gymnasium office. Davis was Mr. Hargiss's secretary.
'He was loyal, unassuming, patient and kind, and a clean fighter,' Mr. Hargiss said.
'Having known him will help us all to play the game of life better,' Coach Schabinger said. Franklin Dillon, representing the team, said Davis was an ideal for the team and for all conference teams.