H. W. "Bill" Hargiss
Hargiss' declaration
Markley declaration
Lyon affidavit
I threw it like this
Emporia Gazette
Presbies invent pass

Markley DeclarationRed Markley declaration witnessing forward passing in 1910 by Hargiss and Schabinger at the College of Emporia

Mr. R. L. Markley
3416 Moore Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming

15 March 1971

Mrs. George Oberheide,
5739 E. Sycamore,
Evansville, Ind.

Dear Mrs. Oberheide

I'm delighted

I played my first football game Oct. 1 1910 against Washburn University at Topeka, Kansas, I was a member of the College of Emporia foot-ball team.

Homer W. (Bill) Hargiss was our coach.

Our most used formation was the 'T' from which we ran sweeps, tackle swings, line plays and forward passes. Our quarterback and passer was Arthur Schabinger a very accurate and effective passer, this all helped make the team very colorful for spectators.

Washburn won this game 27 to 15. Our team was very light in weight but fast and sudden which I suspect was the reason we used the pass so frequently and effectively. The College of Emporia, won 5, lost 3 and tied one during the 1910 football season. The forward pass was a most effective play because of the surprise element.

No doubt the reason Knute Rockne is given credit as the first to use the forward pass was that in 1913 he surprised the Army with the pass, three years after Coach Hargiss had used the forward pass while coaching the College of Emporia. I'm sure the Topeka Capitol and the Emporia Gazette would have records showing the College of Emporia used the forward pass in 1910.

It would be great to get the record straight.


R. L. (Red) Markley
Former Coach Friends University,
Kansas and Rocky Mountain
Conference foot-ball Official