H. W. "Bill" Hargiss
Event description
Honored at E-State Dinner

ResolutionBill Hargiss Resolution and Program

[Signed by 177 persons]

     WHEREAS, Homer Woodson Hargiss, affectionately known to his friends as "Bill Hargiss," retired from active duty several years ago, and
     WHEREAS, Bill Hargiss, through his teaching, coaching and "preaching," influenced the lives of so many people, and
     WHEREAS, those touched by Bill's influence enjoyed a better, fuller and richer life, and
     WHEREAS, it is the desire of those present to express to Bill their eternal personal respect, admiration and affection.
     NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that all of us here assembled let it be known that we are met today to express our appreciation to Homer Woodson "Bill" Hargiss for the privilege of having known him as a friend, and to express our appreciation and thanks for the influence he has had on our lives, individually and collectively, by affixing our signatures hereto:

May 28, 1970