H. W. "Bill" Hargiss
Recommendation to US Navy
Letter of Recommendation
Central Sports School
Registering for Rome
Camp Patrick Henry
History US Army Rest Center
Hargiss Direction
From Rome
Vatican visit
Letter of appreciation
Bob Dole Letter Excerpt

RecommendationLes Freeburg letter recommending Hargiss to US Navy to the US Navy

Mr. G. A. Stacey
Division of Aviation Training
Navy Department
610 H Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Jerry:

You probably know personally, or by reputation, H. W. "Bill" Hargiss, who is now on the coaching staff of the Brooklyn Dodgers Football Club. He is on leave of absence from the coaching staff of Kansas University, where he has been for a good many years - first, as Head Football Coach, and, in more recent years as Head Track Coach. In the latter capacity he gained national publicity as the Coach of Glenn Cunningham.

Bill is interested in getting lined up with your group in the physical education part of it, and I know that he would do a real job in any assignment which might be given him. He is capable, likable, and is one of the most inspirational speakers I have heard. Through a long stretch of years he has been loyal to all of his friends, and I have been very happy to be numbered among that group.

Anything you can do for Bill will be appreciated by him - by me - and by the entire organization.

Yours for victory,

Les R. Freeburg