H. W. "Bill" Hargiss
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Story from Oregon State coachingJayhawker Sports Smiles

Jayhawker Sports Smiles
by the Old Scout, November 10, 1962

    One of the all-time figures in Sunflower coaching circles is Bill Hargiss, who tutored football at College of Emporia, Oregon State, Emporia State and Kansas.
     Nobody excels Hargiss, now retired in Topeka, as a yarn-spinner and here is one of his better ones ...
     "When I was coaching at Oregon State (then Oregon Aggies) we had a big Swedish tackle. If you ever saw the missing link this was it, no head, just all neck; arms as big as my thighs, 5-10 and 230 pounds. I never did find out if he had a high school diploma. We got him out of the northern lumber camps. He was tough and could play that defense. I had to slow him down in spring practice the first year because he was hurting our backs. Ate 'em alive.
     We gave him a rule to play football in the line but not to tackle our backs.
     The next Fall we opened the season against Wilamette. When I put him in the game, he was so excited he got his helmet on backwards. He ran half way out on the field to report then came running back. 'Bill', he said; 'Bill, shall I tackle 'em.' "