H. W. "Bill" Hargiss
C. E. McBride retirement
Story from Oregon State coaching
Return to Lawrence
Palm Springs visits
Homecoming at ESU
Hobbies fill retirement
Busy courting...

Palm Springs, California visits
Christmas 1969

Note by Genevieve Hargiss:

     These were taken a few days after the Christmas of 1969 in front of Bill's apartment in Palm Springs, California. His son Clarke and his family drove over from their home in Woodland Hills to spend the day. (Bill went to Palm Springs for the winter several times, not only to escape the cold weather in Kansas but also to paint. His painter friend "Kickapoo" Logan lived there as did Joseph Frey, master desert painter and their inspirational teacher.)

photo Hargiss

photo Hargiss with Kickapoo Logan









photo Hargiss



photo Hargiss with paintings